(Redirected from Modular Force Field System)
Modular Force-Field System (or MFFS for short) is a very versatile mod that lets you create many different types of force-fields, with loads of options for you to customize. It is compatible with Universal Electricity, BuildCraft, and IndustrialCraft's energy system. It is also configurable to not use any power at all and be played with in vanilla. MFFS is most commonly used in SMP, but it certainly can be useful in SSP as well.
To see an example of how to set up a complete force-field system, see Beginner's Guide(MFFS).
Things to note
- MFFS v3 does not have any world generation or ores.
- If you think you know how to use MFFS, check again! Many things have changed in the latest update.
- The mod used to be developed by Thunderdark, after which he passed development to Calclavia's hands.[1]
Video Demo
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