Nuclear Cluster Missile

Revision as of 17:35, 1 May 2013 by Robovelcro (talk | contribs) (Added a lag warning, VERY IMPORTANT! You try firing one XP)
Nuclear Cluster Missile
No block image.png






The Nuclear Cluster Explosive is an explosive that operates very similar to the Fragmentation Explosives. It explodes, firing shrapnel out everywhere, and similar to the Fragmentation Explosives, all of them explode on contact with any kind of block. The largest difference is that each explosion is a lot larger, and behaves similar to the Nuclear Explosive in that it leaves behind harmful radioactive blocks. One MAJOR attribute that distinguishes it from other explosives is the INSANE AMMOUNT OF LAG THIS WILL CAUSE. You honestly need some sort of super computer for the Nuclear Cluster Missile's explosion to even LOAD. It is highly recommended to NEVER EVER EVER set one of these bad boys off. EVER. You have been warned.


  Nuclear Explosive   Grid layout Arrow (small).png Nuclear Cluster Explosives
Nuclear Explosive Cluster Missile Nuclear Explosive

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